The annual membership fee now has gone up to £2 per annum after 35 years.
This was agreed at he AGM 2024.
Since 1989 the fee had remained £1.
Our best defense is to make sure that our Vehicles (Cars, Bikes & Bicycles) should be well secured!
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Bicyles and Bikes
Use a chain and Lock. Connect the chainn to a wall as well.
Nowadays vehicles and Catalyct Convertors are stolen regularly.
For Catalyct Convertor get a steel mesh installed to cover it. Just search for it and you will find someone selling it. Ask your Car dealer, they may know some people.
For Vehicles, best is to put a steering lock. Also for Keyless vehicles, use a Faraday Pouch plus a Faraday Box. Put your key in the Pouch and the pouch in the Box. Double safety. Do not forget your spare key. Cover it with Kitchen Foil, put it in the Faraday Pouch and Cover the Faraday pouch with Foil. Put it in an envelope and mark it as Spare key. Keep it in a Safe place.